-= Scattered Tongues =-
Joining Scattered Tongues

  1. Copy the Scattered Tongues webring graphics you see below, and place them in the directory of the file you wish to connect:
  2. [Scattered Tongues' HQ] [Next page]

    If the above two graphics destroys the feel of your site, check the graphics page for some alternatives. Last refuge: mail me and I'll see what I can do to.

  3. Fill out the form below to register your site, then write down the Site ID number you are assigned. This will put your page in the the Scattered Tongues Web Ring 'Queue', where it will remain until you are added to the ring. This does not insert you in the ring; the actual insertion is done later.

    After having submitted the form, you should receive an e-mail with the HTML you need to add to the page. It'll also include your site ID and instructions on how to do it all. Web sites that have been in the queue for more than two weeks without adding the Links to their page may be removed at any time.

  4. URL of site :
    Title of site :
    Your name :
    Birthyear :
    (You must be older than thirteen to join, Ringsurf policy)
    E-mail :
    Password : Only letters and numbers, please...
    Keywords : Max. 20
  5. And then: send an e-mail to someone already in the ring and ask them to add you (but don't expect them to do it immediately :-). Be sure to include your Site ID number in the e-mail message.
  6. After checking out your page, the "someone" will take your Site ID number and use it to add your site to the ring. Unless something goes horribly wrong, you'll soon receive an e-mail stating that you've been added. And that's it!

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R.I.P Webring.org - proof that all good things can be ruined by buy-outs.

Webmaster: taliesin-webring@nvg.org