Crazy Projects and other Lunacies


990225: Life is busy for the time being, and this section of the SC has been on the back-burner for a while. I DO read all mail I get, but I rarely get around to draw the necessary gfx of new arrivals.

Script Links

Until I can transform this into a script-site proper, here's some links to whet your appetite.

Tommy of Escondido's Alien Fonts Page
THE place to go for B5-fonts, and one of my all-over favorites. Contains links and info on how to make fonts.
Uncle Bear's Fonts
A large collection of Windows True Type fonts, several of them non-latinate.

Non-Latin Script Collection

I collect non-latinate fonts, both of con- and natlangs, and is always looking for fascinating ones that I don't already have. (Well, actually, I collect latinate fonts too, the ones that are a bit weird and unusual.)

NatScript collectionThese are the natscripts I have so far, the conscripts are on the index-page.

Now, what I'd really like is a sample of every non-latinate font that has been, is, and will be. The most annoying obstruction towards that goal is that:

  1. I'd very much prefer a good PC truetype of the script, so that I can write in it myself. And should I ever move away from .ttfs, I'd need the script in the new font-format. Luckily, there are programs that can translate from one format to another, but the result doesn't always turn out very well.
  2. Many of the wonderful .ttfs out there are either shareware or, horrors, pay-through-your-nose-ware. $ 50 for a single font? Methinks not!

Anyway: should you find, or make, a non-latinate that I don't have, I'd really appreciate it if you'd mail me the URL of the thing. And of course: if you'd like one of mine, just mail and ask!

Phrase Collection

The plan is to have each sample, both of the con- and the natscripts, spell out the equivalent to either "language" or "scattered tongues", and furthermore, to link each of them to a page on the corresponding language.

So, if you

'Nough said.

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