
This text was suggested by John Fisher in 1999 on conlang-l (original mail). I've worked on a translation ever since. This text is the longest translation into Taruven so far.


vytšanra; ksyahrða qaro sav žariseðaþ; serri xal; orro a haluarrinn. ī ëige; ommydraìeð šiara briðe hrōsanaþ; šiggamitann. ī thallaða kvanta gyaš ys yfaþ sïtlarueðaþen yéregaþdail. ī aìro qa aò qo þa ghānti fōaþ urī ys healaþ. bariqqgaq ī thoš suìaþ xve ïreaþ targuì; geàl fal genšu ryreaþ; [aò feì]. suìðe taheì eoaþin zigraryaþ suìru tregynimes talaþ aò šy īaþ; {aò leārajī ī herrugeárro.} !tyalarre! rane jilve; falarrinn pharra siv yéllaeðes aaþ bryalðeruen []; aò aiqðeì uthegrara siv feìeðið tal bogra liqmigh.


"That evening, I was considering whether I would eat my supper when the man arrived at our house, hungry and exhausted. He was tall, with hair dyed blacker than a crow, after the custom of the North. While he was washing I had to dry his clothes for him in front of the fire. He ate voraciously and drank a cup of wine which made him sleep. The next morning he warned us to leave that place immediately, as the floods would soon overwhelm it, and it was almost too late to escape. All five of us mounted the horses we had bought at the last festival and followed him, but not without wondering fairly seriously whether he was in fact insane. How lucky we were! Not two days later, the waters destroyed our house and all the fields beyond it, and most of our neighbours, who had mocked us fleeing, were pitiably drowned."




vytšanra; ksyahrða qaro sav žariseðaþ;
vytšanra;     ksyahrða        qaro        sav      žariseðaþ;
vytšan  -ra;  ksyahr   -ða    qa  -ro     sav      žaris  -eð    -aþ;
evening -PST, consider -while eat -or.not 1s.owner supper -GEN.- -PAT,

That evening, I was considering whether I would eat my supper

serri xal siv yéllaeðaþ; orro a haluarrinn.
serri  xal   siv      yéllaeðaþ;         orro   a   haluarrinn
serri  xal   siv      yélla -eð    -aþ;  orro   a   halu  -arre -inn
entity enter 1q.owner house -GEN.- -PAT, hungry and tired -most -too_much

when the man arrived at our house, hungry and exhausted.

ī ëige; ommydraìeð šiara briðe hrōsanaþ;
ī    ëige;       ommydraìeð         šiara         briðe       hrōsanaþ;
ī    ë-   ige;   ommydh raì  -eð    šiar  -a      bri   -ðe   hrō    san   -aþ; 
3s.+ not- short, dye    hair -GEN.- black -more   cloud -full winter night -PAT,

He was tall, with hair dyed blacker than a crow,

šigga       mitann 
foreign(er) style

after the custom of the North.

ī thallaða kvanta gyaš ys yfaþ
ī    thallaða      kvanta        gyaš  ys       yfaþ
ī    thalla -ða    kvan    -ta   gyaš  ys       yf         -aþ
3s.+ wash   -while have_to -AEXP dry   3s.BEN.+ 3s.owner.+ -PAT

While he was washing I had to dry (for him) his

sïtlarueðaþen yéregaþdail.
sïtlarueðaþen                      yéregaþdail
sï= sïtla   -ru    -eð    -aþ  -en yérege    -aþ  -da         -il
G-  garment -LOC.g -GEN.- -PAT -PL fireplace -PAT -LOC.not_on -LOC.outside

clothes in front of the fireplace.

ī aìro qa aò qo þa ghānti fōaþ urī ys healaþ.
ī    aìro      qa  aò       qo    þa ghānti    fōaþ     urī       ys       healaþ
ī    aìro      qa  aò       qo    þa ghān -ti  fō  -aþ  u-   rī   ys       heal  -aþ
3s.+ voracious eat and.then drink 1  beer -REL cup -PAT REL- give 3s.BEN.+ sleep -PAT

He ate voraciously and drank a cup of wine which made him sleep.

bariqqgaq ī thoš suìaþ xve ïreaþ targuì;
bariqqgaq      ī    thoš suìaþ    xve   ïreaþ             targuì;
bariqqga -aq   ī    thoš suì -aþ  xve   ï-     re    -aþ  tar  -guì;
morning  -next 3s.+ warn 1q  -PAT leave FOCUS- place -PAT time -current,

The next morning he warned us to leave that place immediately,

geàl fal genšu ryreaþ; [aò feì]
geàl  fal   genšu      ryreaþ;          [aò      feì]
geàl  fal   gen   -šu  ry   re    -aþ;  aò       feì
great water cover -FUT this place -PAT, and.then escape

as the floods would soon overwhelm it, and it was almost too late to escape.

suìðe taheì eoaþin
suìðe    taheì eoaþin
suì -ðe  taheì sïeo    -aþ  -in
1q  -all mount equidae -PAT -QUINT

All five of us mounted the horses

zigraryaþ suìru tregynimes talaþ
zigraryaþ           suìru      tregynimes            talaþ
zigh -ra  ry   -aþ  suì -ru    tregyn -im       -es  tal -aþ
buy  -PST that -PAT 1q  -LOC.g fair   -previous -LOC REL -PAT

we had bought at the last festival

aò šy īaþ;
aò       šy    īaþ;
aò       šy    ī    -aþ;
and.then follow 3s.+ -PAT,

and followed him,

{aò leārajī ī herrugeárro}.
{aò      leārajī              ī    herrugeárro}
aò       le- ār    -a    -ī   ī    herru -geár       -ro
and.then SS- think -more -MIR 3s.+ mad   -definitely -or.not

but not without wondering fairly seriously whether he was in fact insane.

!tyalarre!  (This could also be tyalaru suìes, much luck is with us)
tyal  -arre
lucky -most

How lucky we were!

rane jilve; falarrinn pharra siv yéllaeðes
rane      jilve;         falarrinn             pharra        siv      yéllaeðes
ran -e    jil -ve;       fal   -arre -inn      phar    -ra   siv      yélla -eð    -es
2   -less day -LOC.from, water -most -too_much destroy -PST  1q.owner house -GEN.- -LOC

Not two days later, the waters destroyed our house

aaþ bryalðeruen [];
aaþ      bryalðeruen;
a   -aþ  bryal -ðe  -ru    -en;
and -PAT field -all -LOC.g -PL,

and all the fields beyond it,

aò aiqðeì uthegrara siv feìeðið tal
aò       aiqðeì               uthegrara        siv      feìeðið            tal
aò       aiq      -ðeì        u-   thegra -ra  siv      feì    -eð    -ið  tal
and.then neighbor -almost_all REL- mock   -PST 1q.owner flight -GEN.- -BEN REL

and most of our neighbours, who had mocked us fleeing,

bogra liqmigh.
bogra      liqmigh
bogh  -ra  liq     -migh
drown -PST pityful -manner

were pitiably drowned.