Grandfather and the dragon

Original message to CONLANG-L

Very low quality real-audio reading

kaìrfaì a gvaìr

kaìrfaìdudžall; īru džinra eìšany
ī xuaìš rūkh; raellia
aò ī xu hruš; syellia
aò ī xu lēkh; žūarrinn vaeren a kaìrfaì šthaëlann
īel hsyardris džin xu khyš; khāon; tahaon; brenon; a tiron
īruel khyšeles tšahra geàlarreið gaìnruið eìšaiðes

"Grandfather and the dragon

When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world.
First he went west; there was only sand there.
Then he went north; there was only snow there.
Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them.
At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat.
In the south he saw the largest city in all the world."

The Interminable Interlinear, for those who like such things:

Cryptic abbreviations:
4the number four
3s.+third singular animate
LOC.gmarks located thing
LOCmarks location, more or less exactly
PSTpast tense :)
EXPexperiencer, see [*]
INSinstrumental (not comitative!)
BENbene-/malefactive, dative, catch-all oblique, see [*]
kaìrfaì kaìr - faì 4 - parent
a a and
gvaìr gvaìr "dragon"

"Grandfather and the dragon"

kaìrfaìdudžall; kaìr - faì -du =džall 4 - parent -young =time_of
īru ī -ru 3s.+ -LOC.g
džinra džin -ra travel -PST
eìšany eìša - ny world -LOC.moving.fixed

"When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world."

ī ī 3s.+
xuaìš xu -aìš approach -first
rūkh; rūkh west
raellia raell =ia sand =land.of

"First he went west; there was only sand there."

ī ī 3s.+
xu xu approach
hruš; hruš north
syellia syell =ia snow =land.of

"Then he went north; there was only snow there."

ī ī 3s.+
xu xu approach
lēkh; lēkh east
žūarrinn žū -arre -inn high -most -too_much
vaeren vaer -en mountain -PL
a a and
kaìrfaì kaìr - faì 4 - parent
šthaëlann štha -ë- =lann pass -not- =capable.of

"Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them."

īel ī -el 3s.+ -EXP
hsyardris hsyardh -ris decide -last
džin džin travel
xu xu approach
khyš; khyš south
khāon; khā -on foot -INS
tahaon; taha - on ride -INS
bren -on bren -on car -INS
a a and
tiron tir -on ship -INS

"At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat."

īruel ī -ru -el 3s.+ -LOC.g -EXP
khyšeles khyš -el -es south -EXP -LOC
tšahra tšah -ra see -PST
geàlarreið geàl -arre -ið big -most -BEN
gaìnruið gaìn -ru -ið city -LOC.g -BEN
eìšaiðes eìša -ið -es world -BEN -LOC

"In the south he saw the largest city in all the world."


[*] The experiencer (EXP) marks the subject, if an agent and animate of verbs of the complemented paradigm. Complemented verbs (daft name but I haven't bothered looking for a better one yet) functions as conjunctions, some complemented verbs are: think, consider, feel, hate, love...

When the complemented verb only governs a phrase and not a new sentence, that phrase is marked with the benefactive (BEN).


sāel I-EXP
ār thinks.that
ū you
teì love
īaþ he/she-PAT
ūel you-EXP
teì love
īið he/she-BEN
Valid permutations:
'S'subordinated sentence/benefactive
'V'complemented verb