Relay 13, improved

This is not the exact version I sent to the relay but an improved one. Furthermore, this text will be updated when Taruven changes, as with the other "official" translations on this site.

sāel leì llaì duaþ malero-jï-kīr.

hrōim īes marru.

ī yéraseð yéllagalru reil mānti mānðe raelliaru saònes. sella malero sin-vuh fear ätšaða tiraþ, aò ī naàm.

sïtūgal gunu yšoŋ-vuhaþ, aò duaþel kannyn ī xve. harra-vuh ī ëše sen sïtūaþ, aò keìn seneì skaronin. īel tšah rīvyšenn tireðið.

aga-vuh ī taheì tiraþ. rīvyšenn sažu kīron īaþ. īes marru. tri tir džin saònaþ.

"I will tell the story 'The man Malero's hand'

Last winter, he was happy.

His home is the large building outside made of rock from the stony desert by the ocean. Malero was always looking for the white transparent boat, and he waited.

A large bird stood on his shoulder, and the man tried to make it leave. However, he didn't grab the bird. Finally, the animal began to hold on with its talons. Then he saw the teacher's boat.

Afraid, he entered the boat. The teacher greeted him by the hand. He was happy. Then the boat travelled the oceans."


sāel leì llaì duaþ malero-jï-kīr.
sāel    leì  llaì       duaþ         malero-jï-kīr.
sā -el  leì  llaì       du=   sïaþ   malero jï   kīr
1s -EXP tell story,tale male- person Malero poss hand

I will tell the story 'The man Malero's hand'

hrōim īes marru.
hrōim            īes       marru.
hrō    -im       ī    -es  mar -ru.
winter -previous 3s.+ -LOC joy -LOC.g

Last winter, he was happy.

ī yéraseð yéllagalru reil
ī    yéraseð      yéllagalru        reil
ī    yéras -eð    yélla -gal -ru    re    -il
3s.+ home  -GEN.- house -AUG -LOC.g place -LOC.outside

His home is the large building outside

mānti mānðe raelliaru saònes.
mānti       mānðe       raelliaru              saònes.
mān   -ti   mān   -ðe   raell =ia       -ru    saòn  -es
stone -PART stone -full sand  -place.of -LOC.g ocean -LOC

made of rock from the stony desert by the ocean.

sella malero sin-vuh fear ätšaða tiraþ, aò ī naàm.
sella  malero sin-vuh fear  šādh        tiraþ,    aò       ī    naàm.
sella  malero sin-vuh fear  šādh        tir  -aþ, aò       ī    naàm
always Malero search  white transparent boat -PAT and.then 3s.+ wait

Malero was always looking for the white transparent boat, and he waited.

sïtūgal gunu yšoŋ-vuhaþ, aò duaþel kannyn ī xve.
sïtūgal   gunu  yšoŋ-vuhaþ,          aò       duaþel            kannyn      ī    xve.
sïtū -gal gunu  y-     šoŋ-vuh  -aþ  aò       du=   sïaþ   -el  kann  -nyn  ī    xve
bird -AUG stand 3poss- shoulder -PAT and.then male- person -EXP force -try  3s.+ leave

A large bird stood on his shoulder, and the man tried to make it leave.

aò ī ëše senē sïtūaþ, aò keìn seneì skaronin.
aò       ī    ëše     senē     sïtūaþ,   aò       keìn   seneì     skaronin.
aò       ī    ë-   še sen -ē   sïtū -aþ  aò       keìn   sen  -eì  skar -on    -in
and.then 3s.+ not- grab   -MIR bird -PAT and.then animal hold -ICP claw -INSTR -QUINT

However, he didn't grab the bird. Finally, the animal began to hold on with its talons.

īel tšah rīvyšenn tireðið.
īel       tšah rīvyšenn   tireðið.
ī    -el  tšah rīvyšenn   tir  -eð    -ið
3s.+ -EXP see  teacher    ship -GEN.- -BEN

Then he saw the teacher's boat.

aga-vuh ī taheì tiraþ.
aga-vuh ī    taheì tiraþ.
aga-vuh ī    taheì tir  -aþ
afraid  3s.+ mount ship -PAT

Afraid, he entered the boat.

rīvyšenn sažu kīron  īaþ.
rīvyšenn sažu  kīron       īaþ.
rīvyšenn sažu  kīr  -on    ī    -aþ
teacher  greet hand -INSTR 3s.+ -PAT

The teacher greeted him by the hand.

īes marru. tri tir džin saònaþ.
īes       marru.     tri tir  džin   saònaþ.
ī    -es  mar -ru    tri tir  džin   saòn  -aþ
3s.+ -LOC joy -LOC.g now ship travel ocean -PAT

He was happy. Then the boat travelled the oceans.


Although Taruven is a free phrase order language, I kept strictly to SVO in this relay in order to confuse less. Also, due to real-life interruptions, I only spent ten hours translating the entire thing.

Because of the short time available I invented a method of designing stand-in words for those I couldn't discover in time. They consist of the name of a Taruven letter plus vuh meaning word. As I find proper translations for these, this text will be updated.

To be nice, I also avoided serial-verb constructions, noun-incorporation, relative clauses and mentions of the two partitives in my translation (and also because that would have made the grammar-section huge of course.) The partitives I merged with the words they marked in the glossary, so mānti mānðe instead of mān -ti mān -ðe.

Finally, notice how the serial verb construction še sen has been glossed with the single word grab, I'm not quite sure how to show this properly in an interlinear.