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CONLANG: the quintessential mailing list
The list is currently maintained by David G. Durand, and it is housed on a listserver at Brown University. For subscription information, see the online archives at Brown. A no
longer maintained FAQ can be found at http://personalweb.sierra.net/~spynx/FAQ/. You could try the sci.lang FAQ as well.
- There are several ways to start subscribing:
- send a mail with an empty subject line to listserv@listserv.brown.edu
with this line as the body of the message:
- or use this handy form at Brown
(you only need to fill in the two first fields, the rest are
If you're getting errors/problems when trying to subscribe, make sure that your email program prefixes your name to the emails you send, as in J. Random Hacker <jrh@cr.yp.to>
If it doesn't, or the prefix is only one word, the LISTSERV at Brown might ignore you.
- The short, (usually) uppercase words on the subject-line that ends with a colon are topic-markers. You can instruct the listserver not to send you mails sorting under a specific topic
which are: CHAT, THEORY, USAGE,
GROUPLANG and NGL, and all but NGL should be self-explanatory. (NGL: the Next Generation Language is a cooperative effort, started by Julian Morrison.)
- Certain themes have proven to be somewhat flammable.
Themes like 'which IAL is best' or 'why language x is better than language y' is better suited for CONLANG-L's little sister, the
Proceed at your own risk!
- IALs (International Auxiliary Language)s, like esperanto and lojban, have their own list: AUXLANG. The technical aspects of an IAL is fit for CONLANG, though, as long as certain dangerous
superlatives are avoided.
- This is an international list, and there's no 'official' language everybody is forced to use. However, many (yours truly included) appreciate a translation to English.
- Do lurk on the list for a while, or pop by the archives to get familiar with the jargon and previous important threads.
- And finally: all other more or less formal rules of netiquette apply, even here.
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2000-07-19: Finally fixed broken links